17 May 2014

Decorating with Chocolate

Chocolate garnishes are extensively used in cakes, and also easy to make. Here are a few easy garnishes.

Preparation Time: 10 mins


Dark chocolate slab

You Will Need

butter paper
cookie cutter
paper piping bag


 For Grated chocolate:Chill the chocolate and hold it with a piece of folded paper towel to prevent the heat of your hand from melting it.

Hold a grater over a large plate or butter paper and grate the chocolate.

For Chocolate curls:

Bring a thick piece or bar of chocolate to room temperature (chocolate which is too warm will slice and that which is too cold will grate).

To make the curls, use a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler firmly along the edge of the chocolate to produce long or short curls.

Use a skewer or toothpick to transfer the curls to the dessert or cake you wish to garnish or grate it directly on top of the cake.

For Chocolate scrolls (cigarettes):

Melt the chocolate and pour in a thin layer of over 2 mm. (1/12”) on a cool stone or a marble surface. Allow it to set until just firm.

Place a sharp knife on the surface of the chocolate at an angle of 45°. Pull it gently over the surface of the chocolate to form scrolls.

The cooler the chocolate, the more will it splinter. Warm chocolate will give a softer, looser curl but if the chocolate is too warm, it is very difficult to handle.

For Chocolate shapes:

Melt the chocolate and spread a thin layer onto a butter paper. Allow to cool until firm.

Using a cookie- cutter or a sharp knife, cut into various shapes like triangles, squares, circles etc.

For Random shapes (drizzle):

Melt the chocolate and pour into a paper piping bag.

Cut the tip and make designs of your choice on a butter paper.

For Chocolate leaves:

Wash and dry thoroughly any fresh leaf with distinct veins such as a rose leaf, bay leaf etc.

Melt the chocolate and then, using a pastry brush or spoon, coat the veined side of the leaf.

Place these leaves, chocolate side up on a butter paper. Cool till firm and then gently peel away the leaf starting at the stem.

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