
24 February 2017

Homemade Eggless Ladi Pav

Ladi Pav is a hearty homemade bun, which is very famous in Mumbai. This feather-soft bun is best had with a spicy bhaji or vegetable curry, but you can also serve it as a sandwich lined with chutney and packed with potato vadas.
Old-timers will go to the extent of preparing the yeast also at home to make Laadi Pav but this version made with instant dry yeast is more common and very effective. You will love the outcome. It is so soft and tasty, you will look forward to making it – and of course, eating it – again and again!

Preparation Time: 10 mins   Baking Time:  25 minutes   Baking Temperature:  200°C (400°F)     Total Time: 35 mins     Makes 12 laadi pav


3 cups...............   All purpose flour 
2 tbsp.................  warm water
1 tbsp.................  sugar
1 tbsp.................  instant dry yeast 
2 tbsp.................. oil
1/2 tbsp..............  soft butter
1 tsp...................  Baking powder 
1 1/2 tsp.............  salt
Milk   for brushing
Butter  for brushing


Combine the milk, 2 tbsp warm water, sugar and yeast in a deep bowl, mix well and keep aside for 10 minutes.

Combine the oil and the butter in a bowl, mix well and keep aside.

Combine the plain flour, baking powder and salt, mix well. Add the yeast mixture.

Mix well and knead into a soft dough using approx. 1 cup of warm water.
Once kneaded, insert the fingertip into the dough and it should bounce back clean, which means the dough is ready.

Add the oil-butter mixture.
Knead again for 5 to 8 minutes by stretching the dough and folding it back till it is smooth and elastic.

The dough should look smooth. 
Transfer the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a damp muslin cloth and keep aside for 1 hour or till it doubles in a warm place.

The dough has risen and doubled in size.

Deflate the dough by inserting a finger, which should leave a depression in the dough without bouncing back. This means the dough has perfectly risen.

Transfer to a floured board and knead again for 5 minutes using little flour by stretching it and folding it back till smooth.

Divide the dough into 12 equal portions.

Roll each portion of the dough into a smooth round.

Place them on a greased aluminium tray at regular intervals 

Cover it again with a damp muslin cloth and keep aside for 30 minutes.
They will double in size. 

Brush the dough with the Milk. 

  Bake it in a pre-heated oven at 200°c (400°f) for 25 minutes.

Loosen the edges with the help of a knife.

Once cooled, de-mould it and brush the laadi pav with butter and cool completely.

Serve or use as required.

Handy tip:

The laadi pav will stay fresh for 2 days when stored in an air-tight container.

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